2024年05月04日   星期六

英国Jinju (Vicky) Chen 教授报告

报告题目:Nano and Biomechanics in Tissue engineering

报告人:Jinju (Vicky) Chen 教授



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Nano and Biomechanics in Tissue engineering



Cell mechanics and cell-materials interactions are important for disease diagnosis and tissue engineering. The synergistic combination of computational modelling and experimental approaches allows exploring phenomena in cell mechanics and mechanotransduction that are not easily accessible with experimental methods alone. The first part of talk is focused on using a hybrid modelling–nanomechanical testing approach to determine the viscoelastic properties of the living cells, which are useful to quantify the biomechanical effects of drug treatment, diseases and aging. The second part will cover how cell respond to two-dimensional and three-dimensional micromechanical environment, which will help better understanding of mechanotransduction and guide the optimisation of scaffold design. The third part will cover the nanomechanics of the tissue engineered bone, which will provide valuable insights to engineering the environment for desired tissue regenerations.

Short Bio

Dr Jinju (Vicky) Chen is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Biointerface Engineering within School of Engineering at Newcastle University (Russell Group) .  She established and led a research team with two ongoing post-doctoral research fellows (funded by EPSRC) and 9 PhD students.  She is a Strategic Co-I and theme leader in Flow and Biomechanics for A New Frontier in Design: The Simulation of Open Engineered Biological Systems, one of the only five prestigious Frontier Awards (£5.56 millions, 2013-2019) funded by EPSRC. She is also the PI for the ongoing EPSRC funded strategic equipment grant (£0.49M, 2018-2020).

She completed her PhD thesis within 2 years and 9 months on nanomechanics and fracture mechanics of thin films. Then, she started working on cell mechanics, tissue engineering, bacteria physics, antimicrobial surfaces, biofilms mechanics and biofilm modelling.  She is the Principal Editor of Journal of Materials Research and Guest Editor for Special Issue "Physics and Mechanics of Biofilms " in Processes.  She is also an Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) in Biological Physics. She has given over 10 invited talks at major international conferences. She also organized and chaired over 10 sessions at major international conferences. She is also the external PhD examiner for the world-leading overseas Universities. She regularly reviews research grants for both UK research councils, French National Research Agency, Czech Republic Science Foundation and Singapore Research Council.   Her web profile can be found below.

Web profile : https://www.ncl.ac.uk/engineering/staff/profile/jinjuchen.html#research

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